MangoHost Blog / Linux Package managers depending on the distribution – apt, pacman, yum, rpm usage
Linux Package managers depending on the distribution – apt, pacman, yum, rpm usage

Linux Package managers depending on the distribution – apt, pacman, yum, rpm usage

Package managers are an essential component of Linux distributions. They are responsible for managing the installation, upgrade, and removal of software packages. Different Linux distributions use different package managers, such as apt, pacman, yum, and rpm. In this guide, we will explore these package managers, their features, usage, and how to install them on supported operating systems.


apt (Advanced Package Tool) is the package manager used by Debian-based distributions, such as Ubuntu. It is a command-line tool that simplifies the process of managing software packages. apt uses the .deb package format and is written in C++.

Official page:


To install apt on a supported operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the package list: sudo apt update
  3. Install apt: sudo apt install apt


Here are some commonly used apt commands:

Command Description
apt update Updates the package list
apt upgrade Upgrades all installed packages
apt install <package> Installs a package
apt remove <package> Removes a package
apt search <keyword> Searches for packages

Similar Packages

Some similar packages to apt include:

  • dnf (used by Fedora)
  • zypper (used by openSUSE)
  • yum (used by older versions of Red Hat)

Automation Script

Here is an example of a script that uses apt for automation:


# Update the package list
apt update

# Upgrade all installed packages
apt upgrade -y

# Install a package
apt install -y package-name

# Remove a package
apt remove -y package-name


pacman is the package manager used by Arch Linux and its derivatives. It is a command-line tool that handles package installation, upgrades, and removal. pacman uses the .pkg.tar.xz package format and is written in C.

Official page:


To install pacman on a supported operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the package list: sudo pacman -Sy
  3. Install pacman: sudo pacman -S pacman


Here are some commonly used pacman commands:

Command Description
pacman -Sy Updates the package list
pacman -Syu Upgrades all installed packages
pacman -S <package> Installs a package
pacman -R <package> Removes a package
pacman -Ss <keyword> Searches for packages

Similar Packages

Some similar packages to pacman include:

  • dnf (used by Fedora)
  • zypper (used by openSUSE)
  • yum (used by older versions of Red Hat)

Automation Script

Here is an example of a script that uses pacman for automation:


# Update the package list
pacman -Sy

# Upgrade all installed packages
pacman -Syu --noconfirm

# Install a package
pacman -S --noconfirm package-name

# Remove a package
pacman -R --noconfirm package-name


yum (Yellowdog Updater Modified) is the package manager used by Red Hat-based distributions, such as CentOS and Fedora. It is a command-line tool that manages software packages. yum uses the .rpm package format and is written in Python.

Official page:


To install yum on a supported operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the package list: sudo yum update
  3. Install yum: sudo yum install yum


Here are some commonly used yum commands:

Command Description
yum update Updates the package list
yum upgrade Upgrades all installed packages
yum install <package> Installs a package
yum remove <package> Removes a package
yum search <keyword> Searches for packages

Similar Packages

Some similar packages to yum include:

  • dnf (used by newer versions of Fedora)
  • zypper (used by openSUSE)
  • apt (used by Debian-based distributions)

Automation Script

Here is an example of a script that uses yum for automation:


# Update the package list
yum update -y

# Upgrade all installed packages
yum upgrade -y

# Install a package
yum install -y package-name

# Remove a package
yum remove -y package-name


rpm (RPM Package Manager) is a low-level package manager used by Red Hat-based distributions, such as CentOS and Fedora. It is a command-line tool that handles package installation, upgrades, and removal. rpm uses the .rpm package format and is written in C.

Official page:


To install rpm on a supported operating system, follow these steps:

  1. Open a terminal.
  2. Update the package list: sudo rpm --rebuilddb
  3. Install rpm: sudo yum install rpm


Here are some commonly used rpm commands:

Command Description
rpm -qa Lists all installed packages
rpm -Uvh <package.rpm> Installs or upgrades a package
rpm -e <package> Removes a package
rpm -qf <file> Shows which package a file belongs to

Similar Packages

Some similar packages to rpm include:

  • dpkg (used by Debian-based distributions)
  • zypper (used by openSUSE)
  • dnf (used by newer versions of Fedora)

Automation Script

Here is an example of a script that uses rpm for automation:


# List all installed packages
rpm -qa

# Install or upgrade a package
rpm -Uvh package.rpm

# Remove a package
rpm -e package

# Show which package a file belongs to
rpm -qf file

List of Commands and Descriptions

Command Description
apt update Updates the package list
apt upgrade Upgrades all installed packages
apt install <package> Installs a package
apt remove <package> Removes a package
apt search <keyword> Searches for packages
pacman -Sy Updates the package list
pacman -Syu Upgrades all installed packages
pacman -S <package> Installs a package
pacman -R <package> Removes a package
pacman -Ss <keyword> Searches for packages
yum update Updates the package list
yum upgrade Upgrades all installed packages
yum install <package> Installs a package
yum remove <package> Removes a package
yum search <keyword> Searches for packages
rpm -qa Lists all installed packages
rpm -Uvh <package.rpm> Installs or upgrades a package
rpm -e <package> Removes a package
rpm -qf <file> Shows which package a file belongs to


Package managers such as apt, pacman, yum, and rpm are essential tools for managing software packages in Linux distributions. They simplify the process of installing, upgrading, and removing packages, making it easier for system administrators and users to manage their systems. These package managers are widely used by Linux users and system administrators in their daily work. They help ensure that software is up to date, secure, and easily accessible. Whether it’s installing a new application, updating the system, or managing dependencies, package managers play a crucial role in the Linux ecosystem.

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