Linux package libxcb: What is used for?

Linux package libxcb: What is used for?

The libxcb package is an essential component of the X Window System on Linux. It provides a low-level interface to the X11 protocol, allowing applications to communicate with the X server and perform various tasks related to window management, input handling, and graphics rendering.


To install the libxcb package on your Linux system, you can use the package manager specific to your distribution. For example, on Ubuntu or Debian-based systems, you can use the following command:

sudo apt-get install libxcb1

Once installed, you can start using the libxcb library in your applications.

Basic Usage

Here are a few examples of how you can use the libxcb library in your programs:

1. Creating a Window

To create a window using libxcb, you need to perform the following steps:

  1. Open a connection to the X server using xcb_connect().
  2. Get the default screen using xcb_setup_roots_iterator().
  3. Create a window using xcb_generate_id() and xcb_create_window().
  4. Set the window attributes using xcb_change_window_attributes().
  5. Map the window to the screen using xcb_map_window().
  6. Flush the X server connection using xcb_flush().

2. Handling Events

To handle events in a libxcb-based application, you can use an event loop that waits for events using xcb_wait_for_event() or xcb_poll_for_event(). Once an event is received, you can process it accordingly.

Similar Commands

Here are some similar commands and libraries that serve a similar purpose as libxcb:

  1. xlib: Xlib is a higher-level library for interacting with the X Window System. It provides a more abstract and user-friendly interface compared to libxcb.
  2. xinput: xinput is a command-line tool for configuring and testing X input devices, such as keyboards and mice. It can be used to query device properties, change settings, and simulate input events.
  3. xrandr: xrandr is a command-line tool for configuring screen resolution, refresh rate, and rotation on X11-based systems. It can be used to query and change display settings on the fly.

Benefits of libxcb

Here are some benefits of using libxcb:

  1. Performance: libxcb is designed to be a lightweight and efficient library, providing direct access to the X11 protocol without unnecessary abstractions.
  2. Flexibility: libxcb allows developers to have fine-grained control over X11-related operations, making it suitable for low-level programming tasks and custom window managers.
  3. Compatibility: libxcb is fully compatible with the X11 protocol and can be used alongside other X11 libraries and tools.

Scripting with libxcb

While libxcb is primarily a C library, you can also use it in scripting languages such as Python or Perl by using language bindings such as python-xcbgen or perl-xcb. These bindings provide a higher-level interface to libxcb, making it easier to write scripts that interact with the X Window System.


The libxcb package is an essential component for interacting with the X Window System on Linux. It provides a low-level interface to the X11 protocol, allowing applications to perform various tasks related to window management, input handling, and graphics rendering. With its lightweight and efficient design, libxcb offers performance, flexibility, and compatibility advantages over other X11 libraries.

Command Description
sudo apt-get install libxcb1 Installs the libxcb package on Ubuntu or Debian-based systems.
xcb_connect() Opens a connection to the X server.
xcb_create_window() Creates a window on the X server.
xcb_map_window() Maps a window to the screen.
xcb_wait_for_event() Waits for the next event from the X server.

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