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Introduction to pwd (Print working directory command in Linux)

Introduction to pwd (Print working directory command in Linux)

The pwd command in Linux stands for “Print working directory”. It is a simple command-line utility that displays the current working directory. The current working directory refers to the directory in which the user is currently located in the file system hierarchy.

The pwd command is a built-in command in most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. It is available in the shell environment and can be accessed from the command line or from within shell scripts.

What is the purpose of pwd?

The main purpose of the pwd command is to provide users with information about their current working directory. It is particularly useful when navigating through the file system hierarchy, as it allows users to quickly determine their current location.

The pwd command is often used in shell scripts to retrieve the current working directory and perform operations based on its value. It can also be used in combination with other commands to construct file paths or perform other file system-related operations.

Where is pwd used?

The pwd command is used in various scenarios, including:

  • Command-line navigation: Users can use the pwd command to display their current working directory and navigate through the file system hierarchy.
  • Shell scripting: The pwd command is commonly used in shell scripts to retrieve the current working directory and perform operations based on its value.
  • File system operations: The pwd command can be used in combination with other commands to construct file paths or perform other file system-related operations.

Overall, the pwd command is a fundamental tool for working with the file system in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems.

Programming languages used to build pwd

The pwd command is a built-in command in most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. It is typically implemented as a shell built-in command, which means it is part of the shell’s codebase and is written in the same programming language as the shell itself.

Since different Unix-like operating systems may use different shells, the specific programming language used to implement the pwd command may vary. However, common shells like Bash, Zsh, and Ksh are typically implemented in C, so it is likely that the pwd command is also implemented in C.

Installation of pwd on Supported Operating Systems

The pwd command is a built-in command in most Unix-like operating systems, including Linux. Therefore, it does not require any separate installation process.

Examples of pwd command

Here are some examples of how the pwd command can be used:

Example 1: Basic usage

To display the current working directory, simply run the pwd command without any arguments:


This will output the absolute path of the current working directory.

Example 2: Assigning the output to a variable

In shell scripting, you can assign the output of the pwd command to a variable for further processing. Here’s an example:


This will assign the absolute path of the current working directory to the variable current_dir.

Example 3: Using the output in a command

The output of the pwd command can be used as an argument in another command. Here’s an example:

ls $(pwd)

This will list the contents of the current working directory using the ls command.

Similar commands and benefits

There are several similar commands and utilities that serve a similar purpose to the pwd command. Some of these include:

  • cd: The cd command is used to change the current working directory. It can be used to navigate through the file system hierarchy.
  • dirname: The dirname command is used to extract the directory component of a file path. It can be used to obtain the parent directory of a file or directory.
  • realpath: The realpath command is used to resolve symbolic links and provide the absolute path of a file or directory.

The pwd command has the following benefits:

  • Simple and intuitive: The pwd command is easy to use and provides a straightforward way to obtain the current working directory.
  • Shell integration: Since it is a built-in command in most Unix-like operating systems, the pwd command seamlessly integrates with the shell environment and can be used in shell scripts.
  • Widely available: The pwd command is available on almost all Unix-like operating systems, making it a portable solution for obtaining the current working directory.

Scripts using the pwd command

Here are three example scripts that demonstrate the use of the pwd command:

Script 1: Display current working directory


# Display the current working directory

This script simply uses the pwd command to display the current working directory.

Script 2: Change to a specific directory


# Change to a specific directory
cd /path/to/directory

# Display the current working directory

This script changes the current working directory to a specific directory using the cd command, and then uses the pwd command to display the new current working directory.

Script 3: Check if current directory is a specific directory


# Check if the current directory is a specific directory
if [[ $(pwd) == "/path/to/directory" ]]; then
  echo "Current directory is /path/to/directory"
  echo "Current directory is not /path/to/directory"

This script uses the pwd command to retrieve the current working directory and compares it to a specific directory. It then displays a message indicating whether the current directory is the specified directory or not.

List of pwd functions and constants

Here is a table listing the functions (commands) and constants associated with the pwd command:

Function/Constant Description
pwd Prints the absolute path of the current working directory.


The pwd command is a simple yet powerful tool for working with the file system in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems. It provides users with information about their current working directory, allowing them to navigate through the file system hierarchy and perform file system-related operations.

The pwd command is widely used by system administrators, developers, and power users who work with the command line interface on a daily basis. It is particularly useful in shell scripting, where it can be used to retrieve the current working directory and perform operations based on its value.

Overall, the pwd command is an essential tool for anyone working with the file system in Linux and other Unix-like operating systems, and its simplicity and versatility make it a valuable asset in various scenarios.

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