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sudo (Command to escalate privileges in Linux) – Basic, Advanced Usage, Scripts

sudo (Command to escalate privileges in Linux) – Basic, Advanced Usage, Scripts

Sudo is a command-line utility in Linux that allows users to run programs with the security privileges of another user, by default the superuser. It provides a way for users to execute commands as another user, typically the root user, without needing to know the password of the other user. Sudo is often used in multi-user systems to allow certain users to perform administrative tasks without giving them full root access.

Sudo is an essential tool for system administrators and power users who need to perform administrative tasks on Linux systems. It provides a secure and controlled way to execute commands with elevated privileges, reducing the risk of accidental damage or unauthorized access.

The sudo package is written in C and is available for various Linux distributions. The official website for sudo is

Installation on Supported Operating Systems

Sudo is available in the package repositories of most Linux distributions, making it easy to install. The installation process may vary slightly depending on the distribution.


To install sudo on Ubuntu or Debian, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo apt-get install sudo


To install sudo on CentOS or RHEL, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo yum install sudo

Arch Linux

To install sudo on Arch Linux, open a terminal and run the following command:

sudo pacman -S sudo

Basic Usage

Once sudo is installed, you can use it by prefixing the command you want to run with “sudo”. For example, to edit the /etc/hosts file as the root user, you can use the following command:

sudo nano /etc/hosts

When you run a command with sudo, you will be prompted to enter your own password. After entering the password, the command will be executed with the privileges of the specified user (by default, the root user).

Advanced Usage

Sudo provides a wide range of options and features that allow for fine-grained control over command execution. Here are some examples:

Running a command as a different user

You can use the -u option to specify a different user to run the command as. For example, to run the command as the user “john”, you can use the following command:

sudo -u john command

Running a command in a different directory

You can use the -i option to run a command in a different directory. For example, to run the command in the /tmp directory, you can use the following command:

sudo -i -u john command

Running a command with a different environment

You can use the -E option to preserve the user’s environment when running a command. For example, to run the command with the user’s environment variables, you can use the following command:

sudo -E command

Similar Packages

While sudo is the most widely used tool for privilege escalation in Linux, there are some alternative packages that serve a similar purpose:


The su command allows users to switch to another user account, typically the root user, by entering the target user’s password. Unlike sudo, su requires the target user’s password, which can be a security risk if the password is compromised.


The doas command is a lightweight alternative to sudo that is designed to be simpler and more secure. It is available on some BSD-based systems and can also be installed on Linux. Doas uses a different configuration file and syntax compared to sudo.

Script Examples

Here are three examples of scripts that use sudo for automation:

Example 1: Backup Script

This script uses sudo to run the rsync command as the root user, allowing it to copy files with elevated privileges:

sudo rsync -av /data /backup

Example 2: Package Installation Script

This script uses sudo to run the apt-get command as the root user, allowing it to install packages:

sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install -y package

Example 3: System Configuration Script

This script uses sudo to run the sed command as the root user, allowing it to modify system configuration files:

sudo sed -i 's/old/new/g' /etc/config

List of Sudo Functions and Constants

Function/Constant Description
sudo The main sudo command
sudoers The sudoers configuration file
sudoedit A command to edit files with elevated privileges
sudo_logsrvd A logging server for sudo
sudo_plugin A plugin interface for extending sudo’s functionality
SUDO_USER An environment variable that contains the username of the user running sudo
SUDO_UID An environment variable that contains the user ID of the user running sudo
SUDO_GID An environment variable that contains the group ID of the user running sudo


Sudo is a powerful and widely used command-line utility in Linux that allows users to run programs with elevated privileges. It provides a secure and controlled way to execute commands as another user, typically the root user. Sudo is essential for system administrators and power users who need to perform administrative tasks on Linux systems. It helps to reduce the risk of accidental damage or unauthorized access. Sudo is written in C and is available for various Linux distributions. It is an indispensable tool for anyone working with Linux systems.


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